
Developing Leaders

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Online 1:1 ‘power hour’ sessions to be taken by leaders to compliment the the programme:


Workshop 1

Interactive session to discover:

  • What is the role of a people leader
  • What are your values & preferences at work How this influences your behaviours
  • How you impact the employee journey


Workshop 2 –

Interactive session to grow:

  • The people leader you want to be
  • Identifying your strengths
  • Setting personal goals that stretch Delegating effectively


Workshop 3 –

Interactive session to thrive:

  • Creating your personal brand
  • Being an authentic leader
  • Adopting a coaching style
  • Planning your personal development journey

Engaging Your Team

Workshop 4

  • Understanding your people – strengths & blind spots
  • What are your team’s strengths/blind spots
  • Gaps to focus on
  • Actions you’ll take

Valuing Differences

Workshop 5 –

  • What are differences obvious & hidden
  • Understanding unconscious bias
  • How to be inclusive
  • Why it’s important
  • Actions you’ll take

Setting up for Success

Workshop 6 –

  • Setting clear goals & expectations
  • Giving ‘in the moment’ feedback effectively
  • Keeping perspective
  • Understanding emotions in communication
  • Adapting your style

Is this the kind of coaching you need  to empower you and your team onto success?

Click below to book a free discovery call to see whether I am the right fit for you.

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